About Us

CEO Message

On behalf of the Management of G B Microfinance Institution Plc, I would like to thank to Samdach, Excellencies, Lok Oknhas, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, and dear customers for taking your valued time to read our report and being services with our institution. 

Indeed, microfinance institutions are now part of a growing economy and as financial intermediaries to help people with their financial needs in the country. I am very pleased that G B Microfinance Institution Plc has started operating as a Microfinance Institution since November of the year 2019 to support the national economy.

We aim to continuously improve our financial services and service innovation to our customers by encouraging our clients to grow wealth through financial solutions and improve the financial services in the long term process with us.

Our shareholders in Cambodia and Taiwan opened financial an institution to join improving the living conditions of low-upper people in the country and 

to support the strategies of the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. 

I would like to express my sincere thanks to our dear clients who are currently having financial services and customers who plan to have service with G B Microfinance Institution Plc for family growth in the future. 

At the same time, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the authorities at all levels, including the National Bank of Cambodia for their cooperation and support in managing our customers' good and transparent activities and going forward.

Wishing you success, happiness, and prosperity forever. Happy New Year!

Sincerely Yours,

Chief Executive Officer