G B Microfinance Institution Plc was established by Mr. TANG KUONGHOW and Mrs. HSU, CHIA-CHIA as a public limited company that has its head office in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.
G B Microfinance Institution Plc has registered a certificate of incorporation No. 00043909, dated 21 June 019 by the Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
G B Microfinance Institution Plc was licensed by National Bank of Cambodia No. M.F 92, dated October 22, 2019. G B Microfinance Institution Plc became a member of Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA), certificated No.122/20CMA, dated January 30, 2020.
G B Microfinance Institution Plc was nominated as the award winner of “The Best New Microfinance Provider Cambodia 2022” By Global Banking & Finance Review (GBAF Publications Ltd.) of the United Kingdom.
G B Microfinance Institution Plc is honored to receive the Certificate of Tax Compliance at type "Gold" and the Certificate of Accurate Accounting Report from the General Department of Taxation of the Kingdom of Cambodia for a validity period of two years for the tax year 2025 to the tax year 2026, marking our fourth consecutive year (2023 - 2026) of receiving this prestigious recognition.
G B Microfinance Institution Plc happily contributes financial services to improve the living conditions of low-income to up-level people in the country and also support to the National Green Growth Strategy 2013-2030 of Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia.