About Us

Vision and ​​Mission​


Establish new standards to develop credit products and services in the country:

High skills and knowledge of the lending sector in the country.

The institution will be recognized nationwide as one of the larger microfinance institutions in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

- Operate online with advanced technology to provide quick loan approval and real-time financial accessibility to the customers.


Be a great pleasure to motivate customers, stakeholders, and partners with the growth of assets:

- Promote good practices and good competition in the lending industry.
Flexibly facilitate the repayment to the customers. 
- Maintain convenience and meet legal requirements to get credit approval quickly.


Well going with a code of ethics for the benefit of the community:

Helping adults who are looking for work experience to have career opportunities.
Offers benefits to stakeholders, customers, and partners.
Prioritize the opportunity’s positioning upgrade to internal staff before outsourcing selection.