G B Microfinance Institution Plc is honored to receive the Certificate of Tax Compliance at type "Gold" and the Certificate of Accurate Accounting Report from the General Department of Taxation of the Kingdom of Cambodia for a validity period of two years for the tax year 2025 to the tax year 2026, marking our fourth consecutive year (2023 - 2026) of receiving this prestigious recognition
These achievements reaffirm our full and accurate maintenance of transparency, fulfilling our obligations and responsibilities on taxation duties as well as accounting guidelines of Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (“CIFRS for SMEs”) and Cambodian International Standards on Auditing (“CISA”) of Cambodia, in accordance with the principles and regulations of the financial sector. GB Microfinance Institution Plc provides credit services to customers such as housing loans, small and medium enterprise loans (SMEs), and individual loans.